Tuesday, May 8, 2012


so, we dont have a dog.  Three kids is more than enough aggravation for me, right?  It seems everyone and their brother has a darn dog.  As long as I dont have to see it, normally I wouldnt care if you had twenty dogs.  So some new people moved in behind us.  There was never a "sold" sign on the house and I heard through the neighborhood grapevine they are renters.  When they were moving in, I noticed a very small but very LOUD dog barking a lot at their back door.  I figured I would let it go because they were moving and unpacking and didnt want this annoying dog bothering them.  Now things have progressed.  They put the dog out at about 6pm and leave it in the backyard until after 10:00.  Well, my backyard butts up against theirs!  Our boys go to bed at 7 and (of course) their window faces the LOUD dog.  And it is constant barking.  by 9:00 I start losing my cool and yelling things out the window into the dark night.  Depending on my mood here are some of my shouts:


And seriously, I yell this out into the air.  Im sure my other neighbors hear me and think there is something seriously wrong with me.  But MY bedroom window also faces this dog.  I think tomorrow I am going to get up at 4:45 and just go ring their doorbell about 50 times.  Their dog keeps me up so why cant I wake them up?  I am debating putting an anonymous letter on their door.  I mean talking to them is futile.  Clearly they know the darn thing is barking.  I even dreamt last night about barking dogs.  This is taking over my life I am so irritated.  But writing this has been helpful.  bark bark!


  1. ahhhh a blog Sue...just what you need...

    but you needs ways TO subscribe... :)

    Courtney Heath

  2. what do u mean Courtney? I am new at this.....isnt there like a button to click?????

  3. can u scroll all the way to bottom of blog and click subscribe?

  4. no...and I didn't even know you responded to me...I saw it was your bday. Happy Birthday! And it prompted me to visit you again.

    You need to do feedburner...blogger has completely changed since I used it but it should be a choice for you. Then people can subscribe via rss feeds or by email. Another option is to create a fb page just for your blog and then your posts can automatically be rolled onto there.

    fun fun starting a blog huh? :) You can fb message me if you have any questions about this.
